My apologies for the many broken links below. I've copied links I've verified to VoiceCode Links
for dictating HTML, I tend to use vocabulary words with different written and spoken forms, when possible, rather than macros. That way, I can say "insert list item dictating HTML new line insert list item..." to generate
<LI>dictating HTML <LI>
without having to pause after each tag.
I add the vocabulary words en masse using the "add predefined list of words" option in the Vocabulary Builder (NaturallySpeaking 5 and earlier) or the "add a list of words to your vocabulary" option in the accuracy center in NaturallySpeaking 6. Simply create the list of words in a text editor, one per line, in the format "written\spoken". You can also add individual words with the Vocabulary Editor in NaturallySpeaking.
You can download my own list of HTML words. It is not comprehensive, since my web pages are generally quite simple, but it may be useful as an example or a starting point for developing your own list. Note that Internet Explorer incorrectly treats this file as if it were HTML instead of plain text, so you'll need to right click and use Save As to download it properly.
I also have a macro for the headings tags, in the old (pre-NaturallySpeaking 6) DVC format.
This document last modified on 1/3/2002
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